If you're a newbie to any programming language, the first thing you've to learn is the Basics and the basics start by printing something using a simple program. In this section, you will learn how to print in python and everything about the print() function.
Printing something in python is as easy as writing. Its versatility is much higher than that of other programming languages. We will go through several examples to know this better.
Print a Simple Line
See how easy it is to print a line through the print() function.
print("This is the Print Function")
This is the Print Function
Escape Sequence
In python, you can use an escape character or backslash('\') to avoid the illegal characters in a string. Let's understand it through an example.
Example 1: The Problem
It will arise a syntax error.
print('It's My first Python Program')
File "/home/suvankar/Desktop/", line 3
print('It's My first Python Program')
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Example 2: The Solution
The solution to the above problem is to put an escape character before that illegal character (see the yellow mark) in that string.
print('It\'s My first Python Program')
It's My first Python Program
Example 3
Here is another example of printing unlawful strings. See, "hosts" is an illegal format in the string but, we can avoid it by putting the '\' character before.
# "hosts" is an illegal format in the string
# But avoid those double quotes by putting \ character
# before it.
print("Every Operating System has a \"hosts\" file.")
Every Operating System has a "hosts" file.
Raw Strings in Python
In python, you can print a raw string by putting 'r' before it. It'll treat all the backslashes(\) as literal characters. So it will be helpful when you'll try to print a string that contains so many backslashes; for example, the location of a file or a directory in windows or other operating systems.
# Put 'r' before the quotation
Print New Lines in Python
While writing a program we need to print new lines many times. In Python, this is done using '\n'.
print("1. First Line\n2. Second Line\n3. Third Line")
1. First Line
2. Second Line
3. Third Line
Concatenates two Strings in the print() function
Surprisingly you can concatenate two strings easily in python. Let's see through an example.
# Concatenate two Strings
print("Welcome to" + " PySeek")
Welcome to PySeek
Arithmetic Operation in print() Function
You can perform arithmetic operations in the print() function. It can be performed directly involving the numbers in the operation or through the pre-declared variables. The example below will illustrate this better.
# Sum of two numbers
print("Result 1: ",5+2)
# Multiplication
print("Result 2: ",30*0.08)
# Division
print("Result 3: ",90-2)
Result 1: 7
Result 2: 2.4
Result 3: 88